2 Pc. SC w/ Stand
17"H x 21"W $28.00 / 35.00 PLAQ64 Shown in redwood with orange detail
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Hour in the Garden Stone
16"W $10.00 / 13.00 PLAQ49 * Shown w/ holder $20.00 / 26.00 PLAQ51
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Memory Stone
9"H x 16"W $14 / 18 PLAQ30 *Also available w holder $25.00 / 31.00 PLAQ54
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Mother Stone
13"W $10.00 / 13.00 PLAQ50 * Shown w/ holder $20.00 / 26.00 PLAQ52
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Serenity Stone w/ Holder
13"H x 14"W $$20.00 / 26.00 PLAQ60 *Available w/o holder $10.00 / 13.00 PLAQ59
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